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Pateley Shed

Welcome to

Pateley Shed exists to reduce rural isolation and loneliness amongst men in the Nidderdale area who are retired or unemployed for whatever reason.  

We are normally open Monday, Wednesday and Friday

09:30 – 13:00 

Situated behind

St Cuthbert’s C of E Primary School,

Access off the King Street Workshops

King Street,

Pateley Bridge HG3 5LE.

Last hut on the right

What we do

Our key driver is enjoying ourselves while providing a renewed sense of purpose and belonging which we know can improve the well-being of those who use our facilities.


Our Workshop

Thanks to many generous donations we have a large collection of hand tools while success in obtaining grants has enabled us to buy power tools and larger items...

Mitre Saw

Projects to do

You are more than welcome to bring in your own projects. Our workshop can accommodate a modest size project. We also have plenty going on at Shed you can lend a hand on.

Screw Drivers

Contact Us

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Nidderdale and Pateley Bridge Men's Shed C.I.O.   
[Charity No: 1184036] "Pateley Shed"

c/o 22 Church Avenue, Dacre Banks, Harrogate HG3 4EB     Call: 07871 284179

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